Calling all burnt-out, neurodivergent entrepreneurs who accidently built another 9-5...

Stop Running on the Hamster Wheel and

Transform Information Overwhelm Into "Next Right Step" Action inside of...

The Build Your Fellowship Program

...and design a business that bankrolls your life.

No 9-5 hours required.

Lean into your unique talents, build a support system of tech and team, and hit your income goal while working half the hours through this 6 month group coaching program designed by a corporate strategist and licensed therapist.

A serene woman with long, wavy hair holds a mug, her gentle expression reflecting the warmth of the crackling fireplace behind her in a cozy room adorned with rustic kitchenware and books.

🔺Click That Button To Join the Adventure!🔺

for neurodivergent entrepreneurs ready to go from Dream to Done.




Kelsey Silver

If you could confidently decide the next right thing to do in your business that will bring consistent revenue, over-the-moon clients, and feed your soul ...

(while still having the space and energy to dabble in the #funstuff)

...would you give yourself that chance?

Or, would you keep...

Planning out your new sales page only to hit a snag and by afternoon you're browsing social media, the website still in disarray, drafting the outline of a new marketing strategy?

Sitting down for family movie night only to have your brain stuck on business: Not really present; feeling guilty for ignoring work and guilty for not paying attention to your family; only to end up feeling like you've failed both?

Launching your new course that you are absolutely in love with, only to obsessively refresh your stats as the sales slow to a trickle and the dopamine wears off. Throwing in the towel before the launch is even done so you can start the next project and get the next hit?

Replaying your last webinar over and over, sinking deeper into self-doubt, wondering if anyone could sense your doubt about whether you belong in this online world of entrepreneurship?

If you're ready to build a business that works with your brain, not against it, grab your satchel, make sure you've had second breakfast, and listen up...

Even Frodo let Sam carry the ring for a bit...

Here's the thing...

Studies show neurodivergent people are 3x more likely to become entrepreneurs; we are wired for it.

But most of the biz advice out there is structured for a neurotypical brain.

All the...

"Just be consistent"

"Just hustle"


and all I have to say to that is..."Ok, but how?!?"

The answer is with strategy and systems...

Take it from an Ex-Corporate Exec whose neurodivergent brain never quite fit in...

Hey, I'm Kelsey Silver

(also known as Kels, Kelsey Beth, and "you over there")

Here's what I know about you... You built your business to have something that was beautifully yours...

...and while it seems like things have gone a little sideways, I know you can still have the business you've dreamed of.

And when adventurers take a wrong turn, how do they find their way back?

Their map... or in your case, your strategy.

And who better to help you create that strategy, I mean the one that actually works for that amazing, baffling, neurodivergent wiring you've got going on...

Than someone who built them for over a decade in 8 figure agencies, and in her business for her own funky wiring , oh...and who's a therapist and MIT certified data analyst, taboot.

A woman with flowing red hair sits draped in a soft blanket at a wooden table, surrounded by an array of potted plants and herbs, in a quaint garden room with ornate wooden cabinets and large windows letting in natural light.

When I first started my business, I realized most of the biz advice out there just....

isn't made for neurodivergent brains.

And that funky wiring that so often makes you feel like a failure... also the superpower that's going to make your business thrive.

When I learned to build a strategy that worked with my brain, here's what happened:

  • Reduced my work hours to 10 a week without sacrificing sales or delivery

  • Increased my email list to over 1k in less than 6 months without posting a single thing on social media

  • Had time and energy to spend with my daughter while my business ran for me.

  • Fed my soul with the tasks I wanted to do, while my systems took care of the rest.

When you have a clear strategy that aligns with your strengths and goals, you make decisions with confidence because you know exactly where you're headed.

3 Reasons why you need to Build Your Fellowship

(and create a business that works with your brain, no 9-5 hours required)...

Phase 1: Harness your talents

Develop straightforward, custom strategies that cut through the noise and work in harmony with your actual (and fluctuating) energy levels, maximizing productivity without burnout.

Transform your executive function hurdles into your superpower with strategies that turn focus and follow-through into your strongest allies.

Phase 2: Get Tech on Your Payroll

Use technology to your advantage without feeling overwhelmed by all the bells and whistles.

Harness automation, AI, organization and other technology like they are a member of your team, there to support, not distract.

Phase 3: Prep For (or Build) a Team

One that is small enough to manage without feeling like you're scrambling to keep track of everything, but skilled enough to act as your second brain, creating a scaffolding around you to support you to your highest potential.

"It's a dangerous business... going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

J.R.R. Tolkien

Keep your feet under you in this crazy world of entrepreneurship by building your fellowship...

What's Included in Build Your Fellowship:

Hands-On Coaching: Weekly spotlight calls so we can build your strategy LIVE, tweak when we need to, and get you the support you need to bring your business out of 9-5 zone and build one you can wrap your whole heart around.

6 Adventurer Modules: Create a strategy that's perfectly tailored to you by getting realistic about your business goals, cleaning up your thoughts and decision making, and pushing that strategy out through automation and delegation.

Ask Me Anything Threads: Weekly threads in our community throughout the 6-month program so you can get your questions answered as you implement. No more planning and scramming here.

"There's a lot of information out there, and knowing what the next step is, is tough...but very quickly I trusted that [Kelsey] knew what the next step was. But [she] asked me questions, knowing the answer...but was gracious enough to let me come to that conclusion. Being able to trust that there's someone walking with me on the path and checking on me as we go, and keeping things exciting, motivating, and I don't have the words to say how grateful I am for this program."

Bill Weakly, Bill Weakly LLC.

And while the training and coaching are more valuable than a dragon's hoard

I've got some amazing BONUSES for you and your spicy brain...

Built-In Get It Done Weeks

  • Executing the tasks on your list can be hard. That's why once a month I host a "Get It Done" week (yes, a full week) to implement a specific strategy taught within the program. No more planning and scramming.

Special Bonus Trainings

  • Special Bonus trainings from me and other experts to fill gaps you might have as you set up your systems!

Exclusive Facebook Community

  • Gather together with folks just like you (neurospicy greatness and all) to find accountability buddies, co-working friends, and share your progress within the safety of this pop-up community.

The world needs what you bring to the table (armor and all)

Let's build the fellowship that will carry you to the business you deserve...

Join the adventure now for

4 payments of $250

billed every 30 days
*full pay option available

Questions Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs Ready to Build a Business That Works for THEM Ask Before Setting Out to Build Their Fellowship



The core modules are pre-recorded so they can be short, sweet, and impactful. 

Most lessons are less than 15 minutes.

You also get WEEKLY live Q&A calls!

...with lifetime (of the program) access to it of the trainings and recordings.


When you started your business, you didn’t realize you had to be the doer of all the things, right?

Running a successful business takes a lot of work.

Let’s make sure it’ still leaves you with enough energy to live your life.

The down and dirty: You’re a coach or service provider looking to simplify your business while still bankrolling your life. You want to kick overwhelm and exhaustion to the curb while bringing in more cold-hard cash into your bank account each month. That's you? GO HERE.


Time freedom, $10k months, and "flow and ease" in your business.

That's what you wanted to hear right?

And while all of those are totally possible (and probable) within Build Your Fellowship, sometimes it's the little things that make the most difference...

Like being able to say "No" to an opportunity that sounded amazing but would have left you drained and exhausted because you aren't operating from a place of desperation anymore.


Saying "Yes" to a surprise weekend event because you already executed all your tasks for the week and aren't relying on those scrapped together weekend hours to scramble through your to-do list.


You aren't going to finish everything in this program.

And that's a good thing

Information overload has been holding you back from reaching your goals since the day you started business. The thing is, if you don't know how to integrate the skills and techniques you learn into a strategy that you can actually sustain, it's all just extra junk bouncing around in your brain.

In the Build Your Fellowship program, I walk you through creating that strategy (both in the modules and in coaching), so that you can dig into that digital bookshelf that's been collecting dust and pull out the exact right training you need in the moment, implementing it immediately, seeing results, and celebrating those wins to keep you motivated.


You and me both.


Not only did I always struggle to finish programs in the first place, but I could barely implement them in a way that actually worked and produced results. So I made my own.


Because I can't stand the idea of you becoming another statistic of a burnt our neurodivergent business owner that chucked it all out the window and went back to a life draining job.

So I got my shit together, distilled down the most important aspects of strategy and psychology, paired it with a metric shit TON of live support and made...this

I wanted to help you see better results from your other investments by giving you the strategy to plug-and-play those pieces into so business feels less overwhelming, you have the tools to make a decision lickety-split, and the confidence to say "Yes" and "No" when it best suits you.



While I truly believe in the power of group coaching and learning alongside your peers, I recognize not everyone can function in that environment. If you feel like you'll let yourself sit back and fade into the background, and know being 1:1 is a better fit, i encourage you to explore my Strategy VIP Day offer by booking a call HERE.

Here's the deal

The work you do is important.

It changes lives.

But just like they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, you can't be the amazing coach I know you are (cuz you're reading this, duh) if you are burnt out and scraping by, so drained of energy you've got nothing left to give.

And the shiny object syndrome on the internet doesn’t help.

That’s why having a strategy is essential. When you have a clear strategy that aligns with your strengths and goals, you make decisions with confidence because you know exactly where you're headed.

Which leaves you with 3 choices…

  1. You can plan like crazy, mapping out every tiny piece of your business, packing it full of every tactic you've seen on the internet, and crossing your fingers that it will lead to enough sales to meet your income goal.

  1. You can spend all your time and money consuming content so you have enough "knowledge" to figure out the hack all those successful people must know or decide you just need to find the right brand colors and you’ll finally be ready to get your business off the ground.

  2. You can build a strategy that works with your brain that you can actually execute on that supports your energy, makes you more money, and makes a bigger impact on the world.

If you want to cut your hours in half and actually reach your income goal, plus 6 months of support to get you there so you can bankroll your life and still have enough energy left to enjoy it, and #3 is calling out to you...

...then I want to thank you for allowing me to support you on this adventure. I can’t wait to help you make it happen.

Join the adventure now for only $997


4 payments of $250 billed every 30 days